• 犯错

    22-04-11 1. In error Error表示错误,human error可指人为失误,in error则表示不对、错的。 例:I believe your conclusion is in error. 我认为你的结论是错的。 2. Go wrong 出错也都是有原因的,一开始就选错路,误入歧途,自然是得不到正确的结果。 例:What could possib...

  • recommit the same error 重蹈覆辙

    22-03-23 重蹈覆辙,字面意思是重新走上翻过车的老路( follow the tracks of an overturned cart),辙表示车轮辗过的痕迹( the track of a wheel)。比喻不吸取教训,再走失败的老路,可以翻译为recommit the same error,follow the same old disastrous road。常用于劝说、...

  • typo 打错字

    21-01-31 名词 typo 是 typographical error(排印错误) 的简写,指 打字或排印文稿时出现的小错误,其中最常见的就是单词的拼写错误。与名词 typo 搭配使用的动词是 make,组成 make a typo ,意思是 打错一个字。 例句 Could you check this email for typos before I send i...

  • typos,bias,clickbait还有deep fakes

    20-10-16 Typo typo是typographical error(印刷错误)的简写,typo也可能是拼写错误,它的复数形式是typos。 The typos in the story made me wonder if the news article was from a reliable source. 这则新闻报道里的拼写错误让我怀疑文章的来源是否可靠。 Dodgy Dodgy的意...

  • fat-finger error 胖手指失误

    17-03-22 A fat-finger error is a keyboard input error in the financial markets such as the stock market or foreign exchange market whereby an order to buy or sell is placed of far greater size than intended, for the wrong stock or contract, at the wrong pric...

  • The doer of deeds

    14-11-24 It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arens, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who...

  • 解决量子优化中的错误

    14-02-10 Seeking a solution to decoherence(脱散) -- the noise that prevents quantum processors from functioning properly -- scientists at USC have developed a strategy of linking quantum bits together into voting blocks, a strategy that significantly boost...

  • 404 愚笨、无用之人

    13-12-13 404 is used to describe someone who is clueless. This usage derives from the WWW error message, 404 Not Found, meaning the requested document could not be located. 404被用来描述愚笨、无用之人。这一用法来源于网络上无法找到搜索页面时出现的404 Not Foun...

  • carbon-based error 人为故障

    12-12-28 A carbon-based error refers to a problem with a computer or a program that is caused by the user rather than the machine. All life on earth depends on carbon, which forms the molecular bonds that make life possible. Therefore, to say that an error i...

  • 医学中最常见的错误

    10-02-27 The most frequent error in medicine seems to occur nearly one out of three times a patient is referred to(被提交,被提及) a specialist. A new study found that nearly a third of patients age 65 and older referred to a specialist are not scheduled f...
