• 常见委婉语——宠物安乐死

    22-05-24 宠物也是家庭成员,如果养的宠物正遭受病痛折磨,很多主人会考虑让它们解脱痛苦(put it out of its misery),也就是animal euthanasia(安乐死)。 1. put down We had to put our cat down as she was very ill. 我们不得不让我们的猫安乐死,她已经病入膏肓了。 2....

  • end up with 以…而告终

    22-03-02 be uptight with uptight的意思是紧张的;焦虑不安的,通常和about搭配,形容感到心情焦躁。 Dont get uptight about the exam - just do your best. 对待考试不要太紧张尽力而为吧。 Back in 68, when I was sweeping up hair in that barbershop, I had this mental...

  • come to a deadlock 陷入僵局

    22-02-28 陷入僵局,汉语词语,意思是僵持不让或困窘的局面,可以翻译为come to a deadlock,land in an impasse等。常见表达如谈判陷入僵局(The negotiation has reached a dead end.) 例句: 辩论陷入僵局。 The dispute came to a deadlock. 与反对派的商谈以陷入僵局而告...

  • in at the deep end 从难入手

    22-01-04 如果你被形容为In at the deep end 意思就是在你没有任何经验的情况下被置于一种很难的地位或很棘手的工作中。 例句 Our Boss thinks the best way to introduce staff to the job is to throw them in at the deep and see how they cope. Good old John, its his fir...

  • end of an era 一个时代的结束

    21-12-17 在一个重要历史阶段或一项重大活动告一段落时,我们可以使用短语 the end of an era 来表示,一个时代的结束。 例句 Were going to be leaving university next week it will be the end of an era. The defending champion lost her title in the marathon, marking t...

  • 日常英语中的陈词滥调

    21-10-02 单词cliche来自法语,它的意思是老生常谈、陈词滥调。英语中有些习语、句子和短语被使用的频率很高,人们听多了后就觉得这些词语变得没有什么意思了。你还在使用这些老套的词语吗?做下面六道题,让你的英语词汇与时俱进。 1. Complete the cliche which means that a...

  • the tail end 末端或结尾

    21-08-10 The tail end 就是某物或某事的末端或结尾。 例句 The tail end of the storm caused the most damage. She didnt thank her colleagues until the tail end of her long leaving speech. We didnt find out the name of the killer until the tail end of the story....

  • at the end和in the end

    21-05-19 搭配 at the end 和 in the end 之间只有一个介词的差别,但它们的含义和用法却不同。在这两个搭配当中,一个用来表示一段时间的末尾,另一个则强调 最终、最后 的决定或结果。 用法总结 1 At the end 指 一段时间的末尾。 Were going to go to the beach at the end o...

  • end it with someone 结束一段感情

    21-04-28 搭配 end it with someone 的意思是 结束一段感情,它用 end it 直接了当地来描述 停止交往 的动作。人们在交流中用这个简单易懂的说法来表示 分手。在使用时, end it with 后接曾经交往的另一半。 例句 I feel much better now Ive ended it with Gary. 和加里分手之...

  • end up 到头来,最终到达

    21-04-25 表达 end up 的含义比较丰富,既可以表示事情 以...告终,又能描述一个人 最后成为...,它还能用来表示到达长途旅行中的最后一站。这个动词短语后面通常接现在分词,组成 end up doing something 以做某事告终;或 end up somewhere 最终到达某处。End up 这个短语通常...