• jam tomorrow 可望而不可即的事物

    22-04-12 jam tomorrow不是明天的果酱 蘸着果酱的面包是很多老外的早餐标配,但老外说的 jam tomorrow 可不是明天的果酱。 jam tomorrow 起源于小说家卡罗尔《爱丽丝漫游奇遇记》的续集,爱丽斯的老板除了要支付工资,还应该支付一份 jam 作为她的奖金。 果酱的给法却是 Jam tom...

  • 为什么自恋者升职更容易?

    21-10-29 虽然自恋的人不讨人喜欢,但是事实证明,自恋者往往更容易获得升职。研究发现,自恋者会高估自己的贡献,并喜欢自我宣传,而在职场中,主管们更愿意提拔这样的员工,而且并不反感这种自我宣传行为。 Ever wondered how narcissistic individuals often rise to power?...

  • 阿里巴巴公布女员工被侵害案处理决定

    21-08-09 8月7日,阿里巴巴女员工被侵害一事在网上引发热议。8月9日凌晨,阿里巴巴公布处理决定。 Alibaba CEO Zhang Yong said in a statement that the male employee suspected of raping is fired and will never be hired by the company, two heads of relevant departmen...

  • 请给我涨工资!

    21-01-02 Being an employee at a company has many challenges you want job satisfaction, a work-life balance and opportunities for promotion. But most of us want a decent financial reward. We aim to get a good salary to pay for the essential things in life plu...

  • 英国超半数员工担心就业问题

    20-10-12 The pressure and responsibility of being an employee during a global pandemic can put a lot of stress on people, especially with the changes in work patterns and the risk of losing a job. 在全球新冠疫情期间,作为一名员工的压力和责任会让人倍感紧张,...

  • 微软日本试验四天工作制 工作效率提高40%

    19-11-12 A growing number of smaller companies are adopting a four-day workweek. Now the results of a recent trial at Microsoft (MSFT) suggest it could work even for the biggest businesses. 越来越多中小公司开始采用四天工作制。如今微软近日的试验结果显示,就算...

  • boomerang 职场“回头客”

    18-03-01 Boomerang refers to an employee who quits to take another job and later returns to the company. 职场回头客指的是辞职另谋职位后,又返回原公司工作的人。 Boomerang is an employee who is laid off and then rehired as a consultant or contract worker. 职场...

  • clock-watcher 看表族

    16-08-24 Clock-watcher is an employee who demonstrates lack of interest in a job by watching the time closely to be sure to stop work as soon as the workday or shift is over. Clock-watcher指对工作心不在焉,总是不停看时间的员工,下班点一到他们就会停下手里的工...

  • 前Facebook员工爆料工作生活细节

    16-07-06 Female workers at Facebook were routinely told not to wear clothing that distracted co-workers, a former employee has claimed. 一名前Facebook员工称,该公司的女员工经常被告诫不要穿那些让同事分心的衣服。 Antonio Garcia Martinez, who was fired after tw...

  • 面试时几乎每个招聘经理都会考虑的几个问题

    16-06-19 1. Can I Manage This Person? A supervisor isnt going to hire someone that he doesnt believe he can work with. Managers come in all shapes and sizessome are hands-off and expect their employees to do what they need to do with little or no supervision...