• 中国科学家发现韧性半导体材料

    18-04-15 Chinese scientists have found a kind of inorganic semiconductor, which has good ductility and flexibility at room temperature, which may be used in flexible electronics. 中国科学家发现一种无机半导体材料,这种材料在室温下拥有良好的韧性和弹性,可能被...

  • 冷原子与纳米碳管可聚集构成原子级“黑洞”

    10-04-07 Carbon nanotubes(碳纳米管) , long touted(被吹捧的) for applications in materials and electronics, may also be the stuff of atomic-scale black holes. Physicists at Harvard University have found that a high-voltage nanotube can cause cold atoms to...
