• 新型电解质可去除电池中的短路纤维

    15-02-25 Dendrites -- the microscopic, pin-like fibers that cause rechargeable batteries to short circuit -- create fire hazards and can limit the ability of batteries to power our smart phones and store renewable energy for a rainy day. Now a new electrolyt...

  • 科学家发明可自我修复的电极

    13-11-19 Researchers have made the first battery electrode that heals itself, opening a new and potentially commercially viable path for making the next generation of lithium ion batteries for electric cars, cell phones and other devices. The secret is a str...

  • 美国研发“救命”男士内裤

    10-06-12 美国加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校一位纳米工程教授及其带领的团队近期研发了一款舒适、耐穿、时尚,而且可能有救命功能的男士内裤。据介绍,这款内裤的裤腰处用带有碳电极的墨印制了一个电子生物传感器,随时与皮肤接触,用以测量血压、心率以及其他重要的生命体征。 A...
