• 校园常用习语 上

    22-07-27 1. A for effort! Recognizing that someone tried hard to accomplish something although they might not have been successful. 某人尽管努力了但是还是没有成功。 Example: The cake didnt turn out like she had planned, but I give her an A for effort! 例子:...

  • 打肿脸充胖子

    22-03-28 打肿脸充胖子,中文歇后语,字面意思是slap ones face until its swollen in an effort to look imposing,比喻宁可付出代价而硬充作了不起,为撑面子,做一些自己力不能及的事情(try to satisfy ones vanity when one cannot really afford to do so)。 例句: 他真...

  • be as easy as ABC 轻而易举

    22-03-22 轻而易举,汉语成语,形容事情容易做,不费力,很省事。可以翻译为be easy to do,with little effort,与英文习语be as easy as ABC意思相近,表示 very easy; not difficult at all。 例句: 轻而易举通过考试 Romp through ones examinations 轻而易举的事 A piece...

  • what happens is without extra effort 水到渠成

    22-01-22 水到渠成,汉语成语,字面意思是水流到的地方自然形成一条水道(A canal is formed when water comes )。比喻条件成熟,事情自然会成功(When conditions are ripe, success will come;What happens is without extra effort)。 例句: 如果他们采取目的明确的行动...

  • tremendous effort 九牛二虎之力

    21-01-27 九牛二虎之力,字面意思是九头牛与两只虎的力气的相加(strength of nine bulls and two tigers),比喻其力大不可挡。常用于形容很费力才做成一件事。可以翻译为 tremendous effort;all ones strength。 例句: 我使出九牛二虎之力也没把它拽动。 I heaved with all...