• 《博物馆奇妙夜3》精彩语句

    17-04-27 1. New Yorks glitterati have all turned out... for what has promised to be a memorable evening... filled with the dazzling special effects... and technical wizardry. 今晚纽约名流齐聚一堂,注定将是个令人难忘的夜晚,这里有令人眼花缭乱的特效和精彩的魔...

  • 走出分手阴影只需三个月

    15-01-24 A new study, aimed at discovering the positive effects of break-ups, has suggested it takes three months to get over a relationship falling apart. 一项致力于寻找分手积极作用的新研究发现,三个月的时间可以使人从一段破裂的感情中走出来。 Research publis...

  • 影响美国北方森林的五个人为因素

    14-04-19 In the most densely forested and most densely populated quadrant(象限) of the United States, forests reflect two centuries of human needs, values and practices. Disturbances associated with those needs, such as logging and clearing forests for agr...

  • 冷化学中的量子效应

    12-10-12 At very low temperatures, close to absolute zero, chemical reactions may proceed at a much higher rate than classical chemistry says they should -- because in this extreme chill, quantum effects enter the picture. A Weizmann Institute of Science tea...
