• A Eel

    11-11-22 We kept a leapard moray eel(鳗鱼) for a long time in a marine tank, now she is nearly 40 inches long, interspersed(点缀,散布) by plum shape of black colour with the white colour background what looked like a tiger. When she is hungry, she is up...

  • 太平洋海底发现“活化石”鳝鱼

    11-08-17 A newly discovered eel that inhabits an undersea cave in the Pacific Ocean has been dubbed a living fossil because of its primitive features. 一种最近在太平洋海底洞穴被发现的鳝鱼因其原始的特征而被冠以活化石称号。 living fossil Protoanguilla palau It...

  • Eel reveals its migration secrets 欧洲鳗鲡迁徙产卵之谜

    09-09-26 The European eel's migration to the Sargasso Sea to spawn is one of nature's great unsolved mysteries. 欧洲鳗鲡迁移到马尾藻海产卵是大自然未解开的最大的谜团之一。 Where do they all go? For many years, biologists have puzzled over exactly where they g...
