• sing the same tune 一唱一和

    21-01-17 一唱一和,汉语成语,意思是一个先唱,一个随声应和(sing a duet with somebody)。现在比喻二人互相配合,互相呼应。可以翻译为sing the same tune,echo each other。 例句: 那两个国家在中东问题上总是一唱一和。 Those two countries have always sung the same...

  • 鲸鱼的超声听觉有古老的历史

    16-08-08 All living toothed whales rely upon echoes of their own calls to navigate and hunt underwater, a skill that works best in conjunction with high-frequency hearing. Now, researchers reporting in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on August 4 who s...

  • The Echo

    14-04-23 A son and his father were walking on the mountains. Suddenly, the son falls, hurts himself and screams, AAAhhhh!!! To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain, AAAhhhh!!! Curious, he yells, Who are you? He receives the a...

  • Echo

    13-12-05 Thousands of years ago the people told strange stories to one another, and believed many strange things. The believed that in all the woods and streams and hills and hollows(中空,凹陷处) lived fair creatures, and they called these creatures nymph...

  • echo chamber 回声筒

    10-11-02 不管到哪里,身边可能都会有这么一类人,他们最常说的一个词是是的,最常说的一句话是我完全同意。当然,这些话主要是对领导说的。反正,领导说什么都能从他们那里得到完全一致的反馈,难怪外国人管这些人叫 echo chamber (回声筒)呢。 Echo chamber refers to a per...
