• emotional eating 情绪性进食

    16-04-27 Emotional eating is playing a substantial role in fuelling Australias obesity epidemic, according to a new research. 一项新的研究发现,情绪性进食是造成澳大利亚肥胖问题加剧的重要因素。 情绪性进食(emotional eating)指的是因为饥饿以外的原因产生的食欲...

  • Orthorexics 完美食欲症

    16-03-30 The clean eating movement has taken the world by storm in recent years. 近些年,饮食健康运动风靡全球。 The desire to eat more healthily can veer into an obsession, with rising numbers of people - mainly women in their 30s - suffering from orthorexia...

  • clean eating 清洁饮食

    15-12-08 A diet of clean eating refers to one which avoids processed foods and is heavy in raw and unrefined produce. 清洁饮食指一个人不吃加工精制食品,大量摄入未加工的农产品。 Today, clean eating, or eating clean, is a major movement, spurred by people from...

  • Prayers

    15-08-31 The Sunday School teacher asked, Now, Johnny, tell me, do you say prayers before eating? No, sir, he rplied. We don't have to. My mom is a good cook!...

  • 轻度挑食即对儿童健康有不利影响

    15-08-04 Picky eating among children is a common but burdensome problem that can result in poor nutrition for kids, family conflict, and frustrated parents. Although many families see picky eating as a phase, a new study from Duke Medicine finds moderate and...

  • emotional eater 情绪化吃货

    15-05-13 Food has so much control over our lives and, if we're honest, most of us will admit to having used food at some point in an emotional way. We eat to distract or alter the way we are feeling, to find pleasure, to avoid pain. 食物对我们的生活有很大的...

  • 5:2 diet 5比2节食法

    14-04-18 The 5:2 diet , also written as 5/2 diet, is a fad diet which involves severe calorie restriction for two non-consecutive days a week and normal eating the other five days, which originated and became popular in the UK, and spread in Europe and to th...

  • 指责肥胖者的信息可能使其体重有增无减

    14-01-25 一项新研究发现,媒体所提供的一些指责肥胖者的信息可能会让他们的体重有增无减。 The goal to lose weight is the most popular New Year's resolution, as more than two-thirds of American adults are overweight or obese, according to the Centers for Disease...

  • 美国发明能帮助调节饮食的内衣

    13-12-06 最近的研究表明半数美国人抱怨他们在压力大的时候会过度饮食,以至于吃太多增加体重,发现体重增加后压力又变大了。微软研究院的工程师和设计师们最近发明了一种用特殊材料做成的可以感应穿着者心情并帮助她们调节饮食的胸罩。 Despite all the related problems which...

  • 灵长目动物饮食习惯的深入分析

    13-12-06 From insect- munching(用力咀嚼) tamarins(绢毛猴) to leaf-loving howler monkeys, researchers at the University of East Anglia (UEA) have compiled the most thorough review of primate eating habits to date. Findings published today in the journal O...