22-07-26 THE STRESSED EATER 压力型吃货 Do you: 你有木有: See evening eating as me time? 觉得晚餐是私人独享时间? End your day with a food onslaught as a way to switch off and escape the pressures of life? 用狂吃一顿作为生活压力的逃避和切换,用狂吃结束你的一...

  • THE RUSHED EATER 狼吞虎咽型吃货

    22-07-26 THE RUSHED EATER 狼吞虎咽型吃货 Do you: 你有木有: Eat quickly without focus, usually while doing something else? 注意力不集中,吃的很快,而且一边吃饭一边干别的? Grab food without properly registering it? 没仔细看清抓了食物就往嘴里送? Barely chew...

  • THE ON/OFF EATER 要么饿死要么撑死型吃货

    22-07-26 THE ON/OFF EATER 要么饿死要么撑死型吃货 Do you: 你有木有: Experiment with different weight-loss diets? 尝试了多种多样的减肥餐? Obsess over calories or fats? 超卡路里超重? Start a diet with great intentions, but last only a few days or weeks? 一时...
