• have the floor 取得发言权,发言

    21-07-01 1. have the floor floor除了是地板、楼层,还表示(活动的)场所。 have the floor的意思是取得发言权,发言。 补充三个floor表达: take (to) the floor起身跳舞 take the floor开始发言 go through the floor降至很低的水平 2. easy on the eye 当你想到easy除了简...

  • as easy as winking 易如反掌

    21-01-15 易如反掌,汉语成语,意思是像翻一下手掌那样容易(as easy as to turn ones hand),比喻事情很简单,非常容易完成。与英文俚语as easy as winking意思相近,表示extremely easy, simple, or intuitive; requiring very little skill or effort。 例句: 别担心,经过...

  • easy to get along with 平易近人

    21-01-11 平易近人,汉语成语,意思是对人和蔼可亲,使人容易接近。比喻态度温和,没有架子。可以翻译为easy to get along with,amiable,approachable。have the common touch也可以表示没有架子、平易近人,the common touch是指the ability of an important or rich person...

  • 放松点!

    20-10-19 1. Take it easy. 放松点。 搭配take it easy用来劝人不要慌张,意思是放松点,休息一下。 2. Chill out. 别紧张。 动词短语chill out也可以用来劝人放松、冷静下来,意思是别紧张、放松点。 3. Dont stress. 别紧张。 动词stress的意思是紧张、焦虑。 4. Put your fee...

  • easy as pie 小菜一碟

    20-10-13 easy as pie不是像馅饼一样容易 pie是老外口中的樱桃、苹果派等等意思,而我们口中最常用的就是蛋黄派,不过easy as pie和派以及馅饼没有关系哦~ 不过从字面引申为派的制作过程比较简单,就可能表达了这个词组的意思小菜一碟。 所以,如果说一件事做起来非常简单,谁都...

  • put on your game face 严肃点

    20-10-13 长脸是long face,圆脸是round face,鹅蛋脸是oval face,方脸是square face。 但大家知道game face是什么脸?一看就是游戏高手的面相?还是网瘾少年呢? 其实都不是啦!game face是表示面对艰难的任务或工作时,有坚定的决心,表情严肃认真。put on your game face(s)...

  • Live On Easy Street 生活得很自在

    20-05-14 有这样一句话Joe lives on easy street and can buy all the new things that make life easy.,如果稍不注意,你有可能会翻译为乔住在一条很方便的街上,那里买东西方便,生活很舒服。不看原文,这句话翻译得很通顺,但恰恰却失去了easy street这个看似不起眼却十分重...

  • A Poor Husband 可怜的丈夫

    16-05-06 Woman: Dear doctor, I heard my husband talk in his sleep at night several times. Could you please tell me how to cure him? Doctor: Its only too easy, Madam! Let him have his say in the daytime. 女人:亲爱的医生,我好几次听见我的丈夫在夜里睡觉时说话...

  • easy like 点赞狂人

    14-10-15 An easy like gives up their likes almost indiscriminately. Typically they will like almost any post you make, regardless of how mundane or unlikeworthy it actually was. 一般来说,点赞狂人点赞无国界,他们对每一个东西都点赞,不管他们是否无聊或值得点赞...

  • 翻译it要注意

    13-04-17 在英语中,it是一个常用的代词,用于指代事或物,相当于汉语的它。不过,由于中西方语言的差异,在英汉互译的过程中往往不能直译为它。如It's a desk. 应译为这是(一张)书桌 ,而不是它是(一张)桌子。 其实,it看似简单,但有时由于所指不明确,会造成翻译上的困难...