• 太阳系外发现一颗可能有生命的超级地球

    17-05-06 Point a high-powered telescope at the constellation Cetus, the sea monster, and it is just possible to make out a dim red dwarf star shining in the tail. 使用高倍率望远镜观察鲸鱼座(Ceuts,名为海怪),也只能勉强看到星座尾部有一颗昏暗的红矮星在发光。...

  • 行星毁灭真实存在

    15-10-22 The Death Star of the movie Star Wars may be fictional, but planetary destruction is real. Astronomers announced today that they have spotted a large, rocky object disintegrating in its death spiral around a distant white dwarf star. The discovery a...

  • 天文学家发现新的超新星

    13-03-27 Supernovae were always thought to occur in two main varieties. But a team of astronomers including Carnegie's Wendy Freedman, Mark Phillips and Eric Persson is reporting the discovery of a new type of supernova called Type Iax. This research has bee...

  • 天文学家发现两颗120亿年的白矮星

    12-04-12 A University of Oklahoma assistant professor and colleagues have identified two white dwarf stars considered the oldest and closest known to man. Astronomers identified these 11- to 12-billion-year-old white dwarf stars only 100 light years away fro...

  • 欧洲天文台发现两颗棕矮星

    11-03-24 Brown dwarfs are essentially failed stars: they lack enough mass for gravity to trigger the nuclear reactions that make stars shine. The newly discovered brown dwarf, identified as CFBDSIR 1458+10B, is the dimmer member of a binary(二元的) brown d...
