• dust devil 尘魔

    22-09-27 上周,席卷英国和爱尔兰的热浪不仅使得气温飙升,还给这些地区的人们带来一种不甚熟悉的天气现象、一个术语。 威尔士波伊斯郡的居民在上周惊讶地发现了一股碎屑和岩渣的小旋风,并称其为dust devil(尘魔)。这些尘魔在暖空气的上升气流开始旋转时形成。 这种用devil来...

  • 脏乱差

    22-06-09 1. Theres moldy food in the refrigerator. 冰箱里的东西都发霉了。 2. Theres a film of grease around the stove. 炉灶上一层油污。 3. There are dirty dishes sitting in the sink. 水槽里堆满了脏盘子。 4. There are clothes strewn all over the floor. 地板上...

  • 单词dust的用法

    20-04-20 dust的反义词是谁,竟然还是dust? 一看dust,也就只能想起来,不就是灰尘的意思吗?看不出它有什么特别的地方,哈哈哈你是不是觉得为啥你不研究词汇了。对于dust,先不要急,我们一起来看看这例子: Eg: dust the bookshelves拂去书架上的灰尘 dust the cake with icin...

  • occupational disease 职业病

    17-04-23 Those suffering from occupational diseases will receive more welfare benefits following a newly issued plan urging local governments and companies to strengthen preventive measures. 新发布的规划要求当地政府和企业加强职业病防护措施,职业病患者将得到...

  • environmental police force 环保警察队伍

    17-04-23 Beijing will strengthen environmental protection in 2017 by organizing an environmental police force to step up supervision and accountability in its 16 districts, acting mayor Cai Qi said Saturday. 北京市代市长蔡奇表示,2017年北京市将组建环保警察队...

  • 星系形成吸收尘埃使宇宙变得更加清洁

    16-06-30 The Universe is becoming gradually cleaner as more and more cosmic dust is being mopped up by the formation of stars within galaxies, an international team of astronomers has revealed. Peering back 12 billion years using the Herschel space telescope...

  • In-law

    16-01-13 In-law Tara Bray The cries of the killdeer agitate like demons delicate and ruthless, the bird ten steps ahead in harsh light, the wheat soft and green, thoughtless heads at the mercy of the wind. A pheasant hunkers down in dust, its splendor tucked...

  • 在农场长大可对哮喘和过敏免疫

    15-09-06 Researchers at VIB (a leading life sciences institute in Flanders, Belgium) and Ghent University have successfully established a causal relationship between exposure to so-called farm dust and protection against asthma and allergies. This breakthrou...

  • 家中灰尘可以预测居住者所在区域与性别

    15-08-27 The humble dust collecting in the average American household harbors a teeming menagerie of bacteria and fungi, and as researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder and North Carolina State University have discovered, it may be able to predict...