• beat the drum for sth. 鼓吹某件事

    22-08-23 beat the drum for sth. 这个短语可不是真的指在打鼓,而是引申为鼓吹某件事的意思。 例句: A few of the members took a bunch of tickets out and beat the drum for the play with our friends. 俱乐部的几个成员把一大把票子拿到外面去和我们的朋友一起作推销宣传...

  • dance to the beat of one's own drum 我行我素

    21-05-09 表达 dance to the beat of ones own drum 跟着自己的鼓点跳动 或 march to the beat of ones own drum 跟着自己的节拍走 用来表示行为举止与众不同、我行我素。人们多用这个说法来形容一个人不随大流、特立独行。 例句 My brother never liked working in a conventio...

  • march to the beat of a different drum 独树一帜,标新立异

    21-04-11 表达 march to the beat of a different drum 的字面意思是 踏着不同的鼓点前进,它实际用来指 某人不遵守社会规范,独树一帜、标新立异。这个表达也可以被说成 march to the beat of a different drummer,意思不变。 例句 That man shaved half of his beard off, so...

  • be kept in the dark 蒙在鼓里

    21-03-22 蒙在鼓里,字面意思是被包在鼓里(literally be kept in a drum);比喻受人蒙蔽,对有关的事情一点儿也不知道。可以翻译为be kept in the dark。 例句: 全村都知道了,他还蒙在鼓里。 The whole village knew about it, but he was still kept in the dark. 谢谢你给...

  • drum driving 打鼓式驾驶

    16-06-23 Drum driving describes the situation when a person is driving while listening to music, and rhythmically tapping on the steering wheel, as if playing the drums to the beat of the music. 打鼓式驾驶(drum driving)指开车时听着音乐,一边用手有节奏地敲...

  • 楚王击鼓

    15-11-09 One day, King Li of the State of Chu announced to the people: If any emergency occurs in our country, the drum will be beaten as a signal. The moment the people hear the drum, they must assemble outside the palace gate at once. One day, King Li out...

  • 一鼓作气

    14-08-26 During the Spring and Autumn Period, an army from the State of Qi confronted one from the State of Lu. After the first roll of drums from the Qi side to summon Lu to battle, the Lu ruler wanted to attack. But his counsellor Cao Gui said, We should w...

  • Knife and Drum 刀和鼓

    12-02-03 Ma: Pa, I don't think the neighbors like the new drum we got Johnny for Christmas. Pa: Why not? Ma: They gave him a knife and asked him if he knew what was in the drum. 妈:他爸,我怎么觉得邻居非常不喜欢咱们圣诞节时给约翰尼买的新鼓呢。 爸:为什么?...
