• 作物耐旱性研究获重大突破

    11-12-20 When a plant encounters drought, it does its best to cope with this stress by activating a set of protein molecules called receptors(受体,感受器) . These receptors, once activated, turn on processes that help the plant survive the stress. A team...

  • 严重干旱能引起生态系统永久性损害

    11-10-14 An eight-year study has concluded that increasingly frequent and severe drought, dropping water tables and dried-up springs have pushed some aquatic(水生的) desert ecosystems into catastrophic regime change, from which many species will not recove...

  • 世界银行增加对非洲之角的旱灾援助

    11-09-27 The World Bank has announced it is increasing funding for the drought in the Horn of Africa to nearly $2bn. 世界银行宣布增加对非洲之角旱灾的援助至20亿美元。 It says that the funds are needed to provide humanitarian assistance to millions of people....

  • 75万人可能死于索马里干旱

    11-09-06 As many as 750,000 people could die as Somalia's drought worsens in the coming months, the UN has warned. 联合国发出警告,在未来几个月内,索马里旱灾将加重,大约有75万人可能因此丧生。 The UN says tens of thousands of people have died after what is sa...

  • 非洲联盟将召开索马里干旱问题峰会

    11-08-01 The African Union has announced it is to hold a summit meeting to pledge help for the victims of Somalia's drought. 非洲联盟宣布,将召开首脑会议以向索马里干旱的受害者提供帮助。 Twelve million are at risk of starvation as the drought and famine inten...

  • 英国部分地区面临干旱

    11-06-10 Parts of England are officially in a drought following the dry spring, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has said. 英国环境、食品和农村事务部表示,受春季干燥的影响,英格兰部分地区正面临干旱。 Environment Secretary Caroli...

  • 南极臭氧空洞引起澳大利亚干旱

    11-04-22 The Antarctic ozone hole is about one-third to blame for Australia's recent series of droughts, scientists say. 科学家称,澳大利亚近期一系列的干旱1/3的原因是由于南极臭氧空洞。 Writing in the journal Science, they conclude that the hole has shifted w...

  • 东非将持续干旱

    11-01-30 The increased frequency of drought observed in Eastern Africa over the last 20 years is likely to continue as long as global temperatures continue to rise, according to UC Santa Barbara scientist Park Williams. The new research, published in Climate...

  • 全球将在几十年之内面临干旱威胁

    10-10-20 The United States and many other heavily populated countries face a growing threat of severe and prolonged(延长的,拖延的) drought in coming decades, according to results of a new study by National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) scientist...

  • 东非干旱导致数百万生命受到威胁

    09-12-17 Aid agency Oxfam warns that a failure of rains across swathes of East Africa is putting millions of lives at risk. 援助机构牛津饥荒救济委员会警告,整个东非地区雨季未降雨,造成数百万人生命处于危险之中。 Some 5 million people need urgent aid in Ethiop...