09-10-19 Actress Lindsay Lohan has had her probation for a drink driving conviction extended for one more year. 女演员Lindsay Lohan因为酒后驾驶,所获缓刑被延长一年。 Lohan was told her alcohol awareness programme was a top priority Lohan was ordered to appea...
09-09-29 Father: Jack, why do you drink so much water? Jack: I have just had an apple, Dad. Father: What's that got to do with it? Jack: I forgot to wash the apple. 爸爸:杰克,你干嘛喝这么多水呀? 杰克:我刚才吃了个苹果,爸爸。 爸爸:可是这跟喝水有什么关系...
09-09-19 Going on a drinking binge could leave you wide open to infections, as well as hangovers, work suggests. 研究显示,过度饮酒会导致人体感染,以及酒后头疼。 Booze can lower the body's natural defences Drinking copious(丰富的) amounts of alcohol in one...
09-09-03 Drinks maker Pernod Ricard has seen a 12.5% rise in annual profits, largely thanks to its acquisition of Vin Spirit, the maker of Absolut vodka. 饮料生产商Pernod Ricard年度获利12.5%,得益于并购瑞典伏特加生产商Vin Spirit。 Absolut is the world's four...
09-08-27 People are drinking more alcohol by stealth because of the stronger drinks on the market, an analysis of consumption in the UK suggests. 英国一项消费数据分析显示,因市场饮料消费增长,人们的酒精饮用量也在偷偷增长。 The alcohol-content of wine has inc...
09-08-18 A study has shown that having a particular gene variant causes some macaque monkeys to drink more alcohol in experiments. 一项调查显示,拥有不同的基因变体促使一些短尾猴在实验中喝下很多酒。 Macaques varied in their reactions to consuming alcohol The...
09-08-17 Women who drink moderate amounts of beer may be strengthening their bones, according to Spanish researchers. 西班牙研究人员发现,妇女适当饮用啤酒可以增强骨骼健壮。 Official advice says women should not drink more than three units a day Their study o...
09-08-11 Alcohol is largely to blame for an alarming rise in the rate of oral cancers among men and women in their forties, say experts. 专家称,男人和女人在四十岁左右口腔癌的患病几率显著上升的一个重要原因是酒精。 Men are advised to drink no more than three...
09-07-29 A waiter serves a glass of red wine in Hong Kong May 28, 2008. Milan will become the first Italian city to bar drinking for youths aged under 16 when a ban takes effect on Monday, and Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said he favored extending the ru...
09-07-19 Milan has banned the consumption and sale of alcohol to young teenagers in an effort to curb binge-drinking. 米兰为限制狂喝滥饮已经禁止青少年对酒精的消费。 Rising binge drinking is forcing changes to Italy's relationship with alcohol Parents of chil...