• 生产销售假疫苗将从重处罚

    19-06-25 Producers and sellers of fake or substandard vaccines will be subject to heavier punishment, including increased fines, according to a draft law. 根据一项法律草案,假疫苗或不合规疫苗的生产商、销售商将被从重处罚,其中包括加大罚款力度。 The draft vacc...

  • 中国引入侵犯知识产权惩罚性赔偿制度

    18-12-24 A new draft section on torts of Chinas civil code introduced punitive damages for the infringement of intellectual property rights (IPRs). 中国民法典对侵犯知识产权的行为将引入惩罚性赔偿制度。 The new draft has been submitted to the ongoing session o...

  • 中国将出台疫苗管理新法规

    18-12-24 Chinese lawmakers on Sunday started to read a draft law on vaccine management aimed at tightening supervision over the industry. 中国立法者周日开始起草疫苗管理法草案,以加强对该行业的监督。 The draft was submitted for first review to the bi-monthly...

  • 中国将出台疫苗管理新法规

    18-12-24 Chinese lawmakers on Sunday started to read a draft law on vaccine management aimed at tightening supervision over the industry. 中国立法者周日开始起草疫苗管理法草案,以加强对该行业的监督。 The draft was submitted for first review to the bi-monthly...

  • 全国人大对电子商务法草案进行第三次审议

    18-06-20 Chinas draft e-commerce law was submitted to the top legislature for a third reading Tuesday, further regulating online market order and protecting consumer rights. 中国电子商务法草案周二上交全国人大进行第三次审议,该法案将进一步规范网络市场秩序、保...

  • 中国国务院通过图书馆法律草案

    17-04-20 China approved a draft law on public libraries at a State Council executive meeting on Wednesday, which will be forwarded to the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress for deliberation. 本周三,国务院常务会议上通过了一份共同图书馆法律草...

  • 中国将允许图书馆以捐赠者名字命名

    15-12-09 China is crafting a law to allow its public libraries to be named after their donators, according to a draft released on Wednesday. 周三发布的一份法律草案显示,中国将允许公共图书馆以其捐赠者的名字命名。 The draft law was published by the Legislative...

  • 鲍勃·迪伦《暴雨将至》歌词手稿将被拍卖

    15-08-26 A draft of the lyrics for Bob Dylan's protest song A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall will be put up for auction in London next month. 鲍勃迪伦的抗议歌曲《暴雨将至》的歌词手稿下月将在伦敦被拍卖。 The draft is expected to fetch up to 200,000 pounds, which is...

  • 周琦 下一个最有希望加入NBA的中国球星

    15-04-13 Basketball player Zhou Qi, who currently plays for the Xinjiang Flying Tigers in the Chinese Basketball Association, has been tagged as the most promising Chinese star to be included in the NBA's 2016 draft. 篮球运动员周琦,现服役于中国篮球协会新疆...

  • the Administrative Procedure Law 行政诉讼法

    14-03-28 The people's right to sue government agencies and officials should be protected by the introduction of more detailed rules, according to a draft amendment to the Administrative Procedure Law . 行政诉讼法修正案草案指出,要出台更多细则来保护公民起诉政...