• 中国自愿器官捐献者超30万

    18-05-07 China has more than 300,000 registered organ donors, according to the China Organ Transplant Development Foundation. 中国器官移植发展基金会表示,中国现有30多万注册器官捐献者。 About 262,500 organ donors had registered as of the end of 2017, almost 1...

  • 澳政府现金补偿器官捐献者

    13-04-14 澳大利亚将对器官捐赠者进行现金补偿,以缩短需要器官移植患者的等候时间,同时为捐赠者在术后恢复期提供必要的经济支持。 Organ donors in Australia will be paid cash grants of about 2,500 to donate body parts such as their kidney or liver. The payments are...

  • donation activity 募捐活动

    10-08-31 明星筹善款,原本可以一箭双雕,既给自己形象加分,又有助慈善事业,但要是诈捐,可就不只是不光彩的事情了,还会被怀疑人品。最近,章子怡在诈捐门中越描越黑,在一片愁云惨淡的诈捐质疑中,又发道歉信,又补交善款,只希望尽快挽回公众形象。 请看《中国日报》的报道...
