• 海燕水下滑翔机深潜破纪录

    18-04-22 Chinese oceanographic research ship Xiang Yang Hong 18 has returned to Qingdao after overseeing record-setting dives in the Mariana Trench by Chinese-developed underwater gliders, reports China Central Television. 中央电视台报道,中国海洋科考船向阳...

  • 潜龙二号将进行技术升级

    18-04-08 Chinas unmanned submersible Qianlong II has completed 50 dives since its commission, and will have a technology upgrade soon, scientists said. 中国无人潜水器潜龙二号投入使用以来已经完成50次潜水,不久将会进行一次技术升级。 The undersea vehicle, which...

  • 居维叶突吻鲸创下新的深潜记录

    14-03-28 Scientists monitored Cuvier's beaked whales' record-breaking dives to depths of nearly two miles below the ocean surface and some dives lasted for over two hours, according to results published March 26, 2014, in the open access journal PLOS ONE by...
