• 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 6

    22-09-13 Some things are hard to remember. Im thinking now of when Stradlater got back from his date with Jane. I mean I cant remember exactly what I was doing when I heard his goddam stupid footsteps coming down the corridor. I probably was still looking ou...

  • 问倒面试官 4

    22-07-25 What are some challenges that will face the person filling this position? 填补这个职位空缺的人将会面临怎样的挑战? You owe it to yourself to know what youre up against. It just gives you a reality check, Palmer says. The drawbacks may differ dependi...

  • to be at liberty to do something 不受约束地做某事

    21-08-19 To be at liberty to do something 表示一个人可以自由地、随意地、不受约束地做某事。 例句 Some companies keep information about salaries confidential, and lower-rank managers are not at liberty to discuss them. This is a free country! Im at liberty to...

  • put their heads together 集思广益,出谋划策

    21-07-15 英语表达put their heads together 把脑袋聚在一起很形象地描述了两人或多人工作时为一件事商谈、出谋划策的场景。根据会话中所指对象和人群的不同,我们还可以说 put our heads together 或 put your heads together。 例句 More than a hundred delegates will put t...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 23

    21-05-07 But why should Mrs. Grant ask Fanny? said Lady Bertram. How came she to think of asking Fanny? Fanny never dines there, you know, in this sort of way. I cannot spare her, and I am sure she does not want to go. Fanny, you do not want to go, do you? I...

  • to take stock of 全面盘点,整体评估

    21-01-30 搭配 take stock of 的意思是 综合盘点或整体评估一个特殊的情况,以确保万事俱备。人们常在仔细反思一件事情的过程中或在做出一个决定前使用它。 例句 Jane, could you meet on Monday? It would be good to discuss our teams progress and take stock of the last f...

  • 《国王的演讲》二

    12-05-07 精彩对白 Lionel: He's a good lad , Willy. He could hardly make a sound , you know, when he first came to me. My boys made those. Good, aren't they. Please, make yourself comfortable . I was told not not to sit too close. when speaking with a prince,...
