• 沉船中发现世上最早航海星盘

    21-04-07 一个从一艘沉船中挖掘出的史前器物可能是目前世上发现的最早用于导航的工具。海洋考古学家说这个物体是一个星盘,海员在航行中用它测量太阳的高度,以确定所在位置。这个星盘是在1503年在印度洋暴风雪期间沉没的一艘葡萄牙船舰中找到的。 The slim bronze disc was dis...

  • 蠕虫肌肉与椎间盘突出

    14-09-16 Thoughts of the family tree may not be uppermost in the mind of a person suffering from a slipped disc, but those spinal discs provide a window into our evolutionary past. They are remnants of the first vertebrate skeleton, whose origins now appear...

  • Toshiba joins Blu-ray disc camp 东芝宣布加入蓝光阵营

    09-08-11 Toshiba is to start making products that can play Blu-ray discs. 东芝开始制作可以播放蓝光光碟的设备。 The format war over high-def discs effectively ended in early 2008 The decision marks a big change for the electronics firm which was the prime mov...
