• 上下班同路有助美满婚姻

    12-07-28 Shared dreams and ambitions can help make a successful relationship. But it seems the rather less romantic link of a shared commute can also help. 分享梦想与雄心有助于营造成功的婚姻关系。上下班同路也有助于婚姻美满,尽管这听上去不大浪漫。 Married cou...

  • 犹他州大学研制新式游戏手柄

    12-03-06 University of Utah engineers designed a new kind of video game controller that not only vibrates like existing devices, but pulls and stretches the thumb tips in different directions to simulate the tug of a fishing line, the recoil(畏缩,弹回) of...
