• 大型恐龙为何不在热带地区生活

    15-06-16 For more than 30 million years after dinosaurs first appeared, they remained inexplicably rare near the equator, where only a few small-bodied meat-eating dinosaurs made a living. The long absence at low latitudes has been one of the great, unanswer...

  • 鳄鱼的祖先曾是北美顶级肉食动物

    15-03-20 A newly discovered crocodilian ancestor may have filled one of North America's top predator roles before dinosaurs arrived on the continent. Carnufex carolinensis, or the Carolina Butcher, was a 9-foot long, land-dwelling crocodylomorph that walked...

  • 甲龙有特殊的体温调节技巧

    14-11-10 Sweating, panting, moving to the shade, or taking a dip are all time-honored methods used by animals to cool down. The implicit goal of these adaptations is always to keep the brain from overheating. Now a new study shows that armor-plated dinosaurs...

  • 体型不断缩小的恐龙最终进化为鸟类

    14-08-04 A new study involving scientists from the University of Southampton has revealed how massive, meat-eating, ground-dwelling dinosaurs evolved into agile(敏捷的) flying birds: they just kept shrinking and shrinking, for over 50 million years. Today,...

  • 研究揭示恐龙前爪的新作用

    14-05-08 Theropod(兽脚亚目的) dinosaurs, a group which includes such famous species as Tyrannosaurus rex and Velociraptor, are often regarded as carnivorous and predatory animals, using their sharp teeth and claws to capture and dispatch prey. However, a d...

  • 鸭嘴恐龙头顶长有肉冠

    13-12-13 A rare, mummified specimen of the duck-billed dinosaur Edmontosauraus regalis described in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on December 12 shows for the first time that those dinosaurs' heads were adorned with a fleshy comb, most similar to th...

  • 科学家着手制作恐龙灭绝明细图

    13-12-10 About 65 million years ago, an asteroid(小行星) or comet crashed into a shallow sea near what is now the Yucatn Peninsula of Mexico. The resulting firestorm and global dust cloud caused the extinction of many land plants and large animals, includi...

  • 利用鸵鸟模拟蜥脚类脖子运动方式

    13-08-16 A new analysis of ostriches(鸵鸟) reveals that a computer model of long-necked sauropods(蜥脚类动物) used to simulate the dinosaurs' movements, featured in BBC's Walking with Dinosaurs and the focus of an installation at the American Museum of N...

  • 加拿大发现体型最小的食草恐龙

    13-05-23 Dinosaurs are often thought of as large, fierce animals, but new research highlights a previously overlooked diversity of small dinosaurs. In the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, a team of paleontologists from the University of Toronto, Royal Ont...

  • 某些恐龙可能是游泳健将

    13-04-09 A University of Alberta researcher has identified some of the strongest evidence ever found that dinosaurs could paddle long distances. Working together with an international research team, U of A graduate student Scott Persons examined unusual claw...