• 巴塔哥巨龙骨架模型将在英国展出

    23-01-29 一副恐龙化石骨架的复制模型将于新年来到伦敦展出,这头恐龙可能是有史以来在陆地上行走的最大的动物。 Dinosaur skeletons are always a big draw, and the Natural History Museum will showcase next year the biggest of the lot. 恐龙骨架一直是吸引众人前来参观...

  • 中国发现霸王龙脚印化石

    19-07-30 Paleontologists from China and the United States have found a Tyrannosauripus, a giant dinosaur footprint fossil in eastern Chinas Jiangxi Province, marking the first discovery of Tyrannosauripus in China. 来自中国和美国的古生物学家在中国江西省发现...

  • 巴西发现在沙漠生存的食肉恐龙化石

    19-06-28 A desert-based carnivorous dinosaur that used claws to capture small prey 90 million years ago has been unearthed in southern Brazil, scientists said Wednesday. 巴西南部出土一种9000万年前在沙漠地区生活的食肉恐龙化石,这种恐龙利用前爪捕食小猎物。 Jus...