• 日本举办“挖洞比赛”

    11-02-19 一项新的全民运动挖洞比赛正在日本兴起,上周日,200多支参赛队伍和1000多名观众齐聚东京郊外的一个露营地,参加一年一度的全国挖洞比赛,获胜的队伍将获得金锹奖。 More than 1,000 avid fans descended on a camping site on the outskirts of Tokyo on Sunday, with...

  • Visual Training

    10-11-11 The squad(班,小队) were having visual training. One smart recruit(新兵,招募) was asked by the officer to count how many men composed a digging party in a distant field. The party was so far away that the men appeared as mere dots, but unhesita...
