• 宝马在美国将停售柴油车

    18-09-13 BMW spokesman, Alexander Schmuck, has announced that the company will stop selling its diesel-powered cars in American market next year. 宝马发言人亚历山大施穆克宣布,宝马将于明年在美国市场停售柴油车。 The decision was made following a shrinking mar...

  • 汉堡禁柴油车减轻空气污染

    18-05-31 Hamburg has become the first city in Germany to impose a partial ban on some older diesel vehicles. 汉堡成为德国首个禁止某些老旧柴油机车辆上路的城市。 The move comes as a blow to the federal government as well as the countrys automotive industry. Di...

  • 上海加油站将供应地沟油生物柴油

    18-02-12 Biodiesel combined with gutter oil and diesel will be offered at nearly 200 gas stations in Shanghai by the end of the year, local authorities have said. 上海市政府表示,今年底上海市将有近200家加油站供应由地沟油和柴油混合而来的生物柴油。 The biodies...

  • 大众在美国面临34项联邦诉讼

    15-09-24 Volkswagen is facing a total of 34 federal lawsuits in the US as part of its emission testing scandal. 大众因尾气门丑闻在美国面临总计34项联邦诉讼。 Company executives have already admitted their diesel cars have software that cheated on U.S. emissio...

  • 大众“尾气门”波及1100万辆柴油车

    15-09-23 The German carmaker Volkswagen (VW) on Tuesday revealed that a total of 11 million diesel cars may have been involved in the emissions-testing manipulations. 德国汽车生产商大众公司周二透露,共计有1100万辆柴油车卷入此次尾气门事件。 The company also s...

  • 塑料购物袋是制造柴油的好原料

    14-02-14 Plastic shopping bags, an abundant source of litter on land and at sea, can be converted into diesel, natural gas and other useful petroleum products, researchers report. The conversion produces significantly more energy than it requires and results...

  • 柴油废气影响蜜蜂对花香的辨别力

    13-10-07 Exposure to common air pollutants found in diesel(柴油) exhaust pollution can affect the ability of honeybees to recognise floral odours, new University of Southampton research shows. Honeybees use floral odours to help locate, identify and recogn...

  • 汽油的空气污染指数比柴油大

    12-03-05 The exhaust fumes(废气) from gasoline vehicles contribute more to the production of a specific type of air pollution -- secondary organic aerosols (SOA) -- than those from diesel vehicles, according to a new study by scientists from the Cooperativ...
