• 芬兰机场用嗅探犬探测新冠病毒

    20-09-30 Sniffer dogs are a familiar sight at airports all over the world, where border agents use them to detect illegal substances and contraband. 嗅探犬在世界各地的机场都很常见,边境人员用它们来探测非法物品和违禁品。 Now some dogs are using their noses fo...

  • 可以检测癌症生物标记的纳米新技术

    16-02-14 Researchers at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center have developed a new technology to detect disease biomarkers in the form of nucleic acids, the building blocks of all living organisms. The proof-of-concept study is currently published online in the...

  • 激光可以嗅出有毒气体

    14-12-04 Scientists have developed a way to sniff out tiny amounts of toxic gases -- a whiff of nerve gas, for example, or a hint of a chemical spill -- from up to one kilometer away. The new technology can discriminate one type of gas from another with grea...

  • 西北大学教授发明新式生物检测工具

    14-03-27 Northeastern University professor of pharmaceutical sciences, Tania Konry, has developed a single instrument that can conduct a wide range of biological scans in a fraction of the time and cost of industry standard equipment. That's because it uses...

  • 纳米技术用于疾病早期检测

    12-05-23 A new study led by University of Kentucky researchers shows a new way to precisely detect a single chemical at extremely low concentrations and high contamination(污染) . The study, published online for ACS Nano, was carried out in the laboratory...
