• be meticulous 细致入微

    22-12-13 细致入微,比喻看问题非常全面,或描写、表演等非常细腻,细小之处也充分表现出来。可以翻译为be meticulous,be nuanced,never come short in the smallest details。 例句: 一切都已做了细致入微的安排。 Everything had been planned down to the smallest detail...

  • inor details 细枝末节

    22-09-08 细枝末节,汉语成语,释义是比喻事情或问题的细小而无关紧要的部分。可以翻译为minor details或minute particulars等。 例句: 他们尽扯些细枝末节的事。 Their talks were all about trifles....

  • 面对同事

    22-02-22 当你需要同事的帮助,希望得到更详细的数据或信息时,这句绝对是最佳选择: Can you email me the details? 你能把这份数据发邮件给我吗? 而当同事需要你提供信息,但你要稍晚才能准备好,就可以用: Can I get back to you on that shortly? 我可以迟点回复你吗?...

  • 2022年将有哪些佳片上映 上

    22-01-10 Belle《龙和雀斑公主》 This cyberpunk update of Beauty and the Beast received a 14-minute standing ovation when it premiered at last Mays Cannes Film Festival and its easy to see why. Mamoru Hosodas dazzling anime is a fairy-tale romance, a high-scho...

  • take someone through something 帮助某人理解某事/给某人讲解某

    21-10-29 take someone through something不能望文生义,它不是带人穿过某处的意思,而是帮助某人理解某事/给某人讲解某事。 例句: Could you please take me through the details? Im quite confused. 你能给我讲一下细节吗?我很懵。 I had to call customer service to take...

  • please see/find attached for more details 详情请见附件

    21-04-16 在使用电子邮件与人交流的过程中,时常需要附上不同类型的文件。比如,图片、音频、文档。 如果需要用英语来告知收件人察看附件中的详细信息,则可以在邮件中写:Please see/find attached for more details. 详情请参照附件。如果只是想提及邮件内含有附件,则可以直...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 18

    21-02-24 Stratton staggered back against the wall and leaned there, panting. All his strength had gone out in that last terrific blow, and for a space he seemed incapable of movement. At length, conscious of a warm, moist trickle on his chin, he raised one h...

  • 感悟细节

    12-12-29 Novelists sometimes go to great lengths in personally experiencing realistic details to enhance the immediacy in their art.Frederick Forsyth (American novelist) may have topped them all. When his novel The Dogs of War appeared in, few readersknew t...

  • 美黑客盗窃银行卡资料被判刑

    10-03-28 Computer hacker Albert Gonzalez has been jailed for 20 years in the US for his part in stealing the details of more than 130m credit and debit cards. 美国电脑黑客艾伯特冈萨雷斯因参与盗窃1300多万张信用卡和借记卡的详细资料而被判刑20年。 Albert Gonzale...
