• character怎么用

    23-01-29 1 Character 是一个名词,它可以表示 (文学、影视作品中的)人物、角色。 I cant believe theyve killed off my favourite character in that TV series! Who is your favourite character in Star Wars? 2 Character 还可以指 性格,个性。 He has a friendly charac...

  • have an eye for something 眼光独到,独具慧眼

    22-12-01 搭配 have an eye for something 的意思是 善于注意某物的细节,对某物有良好的判断力和鉴别力,也就是 有眼光,独具慧眼。 例句 His house is amazing he must have a good eye for design. 他的房子太漂亮了,他肯定对设计独具慧眼。 I love her paintings she has a...

  • be scrupulous about every detail 一丝不苟

    22-03-23 一丝不苟,汉语成语,一丝表示a trace of something, details,苟指indifferent,negligent, 不表示否定not,negative。一丝不苟的意思是指做事认真细致,一点儿不马虎,可以翻译为 be conscientious and meticulous,be scrupulous about every detail。 例句: 老...

  • 大众科学

    21-02-28 Are you patient? Do you have attention to detail, free time and access to a computer? Well, then a scientist might welcome your help. Researchers in the UK say its becoming crucial to count on Joe Public to help them with their projects. They need p...

  • be conscientious and meticulous 一丝不苟

    20-02-11 一丝不苟,汉语成语,一丝表示a trace of something, details,苟指indifferent,negligent, 不表示否定not,negative。一丝不苟的意思是指做事认真细致,一点儿不马虎,可以翻译为 be conscientious and meticulous,be scrupulous about every detail。 老张对工作...

  • Aunt tells of Dugard family joy Dugard姨妈讲述家庭趣事

    09-09-04 The first details have emerged of how the Dugard family is faring since the release of Jaycee Lee, who was abducted and held for 18 years in California. 幼年时期在加利福尼亚被拐骗并拘禁达18年之久的Jaycee Lee被解救之后,Jaycee所属Dugard家庭的详细资料...
