• 10句温柔而残忍的婉转语 下

    22-04-08 6. Well, if you want the truth... 好吧,如果你想听真话 真实含义: Ive been lying this entire time. 我其实一直在撒谎。 7. Im not trying to be mean... 我不想那么刻薄 But Im about to destroy you. 但是我要开始打击你了。 8. Yeah, about that... 关于那件事...

  • 描述地震破坏力的词汇

    16-07-21 Damage 是指损害,破坏,但不是特别严重,还可以修复的那种,比如: Apart from hydropower projects, the earthquake damaged some power equipment manufacturers in Sichuan including Dongfang Electric in Hanwang in Deyang that was badly damaged when several...

  • 阿豺折箭

    15-08-27 Tu Gu Hun in ancient times is now the Song Pan area of Qinghai and Sichuan Provinces. A'cai, chief of Tu Gu Hun, had 20 sons. One day A'cai said to them: Each one of you bring me an arrow. Then, he broke the arrows one by one and threw them on the g...

  • British plan to tackle asteroids 英国计划阻止可能撞地球的小

    09-09-01 A team of British scientists are developing plans for a spacecraft that could stop large asteroids from destroying the Earth. 一组英国科学家正在研究可以阻止大块行星毁灭地球的宇宙飞船方案。 The tractor would steer asteroids away from the Earth The 10...
