• 中国将加大力度建设重大项目和新型基础设施

    22-09-30 在国家发改委9月26日召开的基础设施建设专题新闻发布会上,国家发改委和国家能源局相关部门负责人介绍,一批交通、新基建、能源等领域重大工程项目将加快落地,为经济社会发展注入持续动力;十四五新基建投资前景持续向好,能源重点领域投资有望较十三五增长20%以上。...

  • demand-side reform 需求侧改革

    20-12-21 中共中央政治局近日召开会议指出,明年要坚持扩大内需战略,强化科技对经济发展的战略支撑,扩大高水平对外开放,努力保持经济运行在合理区间。 China will strive to spur domestic demand, strengthen strategic support of science and technology for economic dev...

  • 中美市场需求旺盛导致牛油果价格上涨

    17-05-04 Strong demand in China, along with the USA, has been credited with raising wholesale prices of avocados. 中国和美国对牛油果的强烈需求导致牛油果的批发价格上涨。 The increase in demand comes alongside a reduced harvest of the fruit (yes, it is a fruit...

  • Oil prices slide on demand fears 需求担忧引发国际油价下跌

    09-09-22 Oil prices have fallen by almost $3 on fears that energy demand may not have recovered as much as thought. 原油价格因对能源需求没有恢复到想象中的水平存有顾虑而下跌了将近3美元。 US crude was down $2.78 at $69.26 a barrel before recovering slightly wh...
