• 北京冬奥会中国体育代表团

    23-07-03 北京冬奥会中国体育代表团 Chinese delegation for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games 1月27日,北京冬奥会中国体育代表团正式成立,代表团总人数为387人。北京冬奥会是中国体育代表团历史上参赛规模最大的一届冬奥会。 The Chinese delegation for the Beijing 2...

  • 北京冬奥会中国体育代表团

    22-02-10 1月27日,北京冬奥会中国体育代表团正式成立,代表团总人数为387人。北京冬奥会是中国体育代表团历史上参赛规模最大的一届冬奥会。 The Chinese delegation for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games was finalized on Thursday. The 387-member delegation was the...

  • 朱婷、赵帅将担任东京奥运开幕式中国代表团旗手

    21-07-19 东京奥运会开幕在即,中国体育代表团近日官宣双旗手。 Womens volleyball team skipper Zhu Ting and taekwondo athlete Zhao Shuai have been named as the Chinese delegations flag-bearers at the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games, the Chinese Olymp...

  • 中美就贸易问题举行会谈

    18-08-24 At the invitation of the U.S. side, a Chinese delegation has held constructive and candid exchanges on economic and trade issues of mutual concern with the U.S. counterparts in Washington from Aug. 22 to 23, an official statement said Friday. 应美方...

  • 韩国总理宴请朝鲜冬奥会高级代表团

    18-02-11 South Korean Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon on Sunday hosted a lunch for the high-ranking delegation from the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK), including the younger sister of top DPRK leader Kim Jong Un. 韩国总理李洛渊周天中午为朝鲜冬奥会高...

  • 文在寅将会见金汝贞

    18-02-09 South Korean President Moon Jae-in planned to meet the high-ranking delegation from the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Feb. 10, the presidential Blue House said Thursday. 韩国青瓦台周四表示,总统文在寅计划于2月10号会见朝鲜冬奥会高级...

  • 宁泽涛将参加里约奥运

    16-07-19 Chinese world champion swimmer Ning Zetao has secured a spot to compete in the 2016 Rio Olympics. 中国泳将世界冠军宁泽涛已确保可在里约奥运会上征战一番。 Ning shot to fame after winning the mens 100 m freestyle at the 2015 FINA World Championships in...

  • Honduras rejects OAS delegation 洪都拉斯拒绝美国高层领导访问

    09-08-10 The interim government of Honduras has said it will not allow a high-level delegation from the Organisation of American States to visit for talks. 洪都拉斯临时政府称他们不会允许美国政府高层代表的访问和会谈。 Jose Miguel Insulza (L) has demanded Mr Z...
