• 津巴布韦庆祝武装力量日

    18-08-15 Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa is pledging more efforts to improve the competencies of the countrys army. 津巴布韦总统埃默森姆南加古瓦承诺将投入更多的努力来加强军队的战斗力。 At an event to celebrate Zimbabwes 38th Defence Forces Day, Presi...

  • 美国新西兰将共同巩固国防

    12-06-20 New Zealand and the US have signed an agreement to expand defence co-operation, signalling a further boost to ties between the two nations. 新西兰与美国签署一项共同扩张防御的协议,标志着两国间联系的进一步加深。 The deal was signed in Washington by N...

  • 英国防部贱卖装备填补赤字

    11-08-21 The cash-strapped Ministry of Defence is selling off millions of pounds of equipment at bargain basement prices to try to plug a budget deficit. 为填补预算赤字缺口,捉襟见肘的英国国防部正廉价甩卖价值数百万英镑的装备。 Former Ministry of Defence Snat...

  • Antibiotic resistance clue found 细菌抗药性线索被发现

    09-09-13 US scientists have uncovered a defence mechanism in bacteria that allows them to fend off the threat of antibiotics. 美国科学家发现细菌的防御机制,可以使其低档抗生素的威胁。 MRSA highlights the problem of antibiotic resistance It is hoped the findin...
