22-06-27 深思熟虑,汉语成语,意思是反复深入细致地考虑。可以翻译为careful consideration,turn (something) over in ones mind等。 例句: 这个决定是他们经过深思熟虑后作出的。 Their decision was made after careful consideration....
22-04-15 I have a degree in business. 我拥有一个贸易专业的学位 However, 但是 it was my fathers decision 是我父亲的决定 for me to pursue a business major. 让我学习贸易专业 He thought that 他认为 having a business degree 拥有贸易专业的学位 would make me more c...
22-02-28 blind 可以指(司机看不到的)盲点的,盲区的,偷袭是不是都是从看不见的地方出手呢? blindside的意思是偷袭;出其不意地打击,通常都是被动用法哦。 He complained about being blindsided by the decision. 他抱怨该决定让他感到意外。 dog-eat-dog 字面意思就是狗...
21-11-23 1. Hold off事情不抓紧做,延迟、推迟都可以用这个短语表示。 Lets hold off making a decision until next week. 我们延到下周再作决定吧。 2. Sit on (sth)坐在某件事上,说明没有开始行动,意思是拖延,类似的表达还有sleep on,指的是留着等第二天再说。 Lets sit...
21-11-15 生活中有很多人常常立场不明,态度暧昧,像坐在墙头上一样,既不往左跳也不往右跳,迟迟不做决定(to delay making a decision)。 对于这类人,汉语中有一个形象的说法骑墙派。 骑墙字面意思是to sit with your legs on either side of the fence,与英文sit on a fen...
20-09-19 一蹶不振,汉语成语,意思是一跌倒就再也爬不起来(unable to get up after a fall),比喻遭受一次挫折以后就再也振作不起来。可以翻译为collapse after one setback;never be able to recover after a setback。 例句: 我想这个决定对他是个沉重的打击,从此以后他...
16-08-19 Whether it is a married couple choosing a new car, two friends buying a holiday or business colleagues investing in stocks and shares, if one of the two is a woman then the pair will take fewer risks. 不管是夫妻挑选新车,两个朋友一起购买旅游度假产品...
16-07-27 Decision fatigue refers to the deteriorating quality of decisions made by an individual, after a long session of decision making. 决策疲劳指一个人在做了一长串的决策之后决策质量开始下降的状态。 It is now understood as one of the causes of irrational...
16-06-05 Unboxing is an act or instance of removing a newly purchased product from its packaging and examining its features, typically when filmed and shared on a social media site. Unboxing指打开新购买物品的外包装,检查其特性,并拍照或拍成视频分享到社交媒体...
15-05-20 Feeble Phoebus stuff, Therese, Saint-Florent smiled; the character of man's enjoyment is determined by the kind of organs he has received from Nature; a weak individual's, and hence every woman's, incline in the direction of procuring moral ecstasie...