• 中国成功试验火箭零件精准降落

    19-07-29 China has successfully tested the technology that can accurately control the landing site of falling rocket parts, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) said on Sunday. 中国航天科技集团公司周天宣布,中国已成功试验脱落火箭零件着陆...

  • plane debris 飞机残骸

    15-08-13 A mysterious piece of plane debris washed up on the French Indian Ocean island of La Reunion on July 29, prompting teams of international investigators to examine whether it could be part of the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. 7月29日,法属...

  • 洛克希德马丁公司将监控太空垃圾情况

    14-08-27 US defence giant Lockheed Martin has struck a deal with an Australian technology firm to track space debris that can damage satellites. 美国国防巨头洛克希德马丁公司与澳大利亚一家科技公司达成协议,追踪能损毁卫星的太空垃圾。 Most space debris is man-m...

  • Ezra Becoming Kosher

    14-05-19 Ezra Becoming Kosher Eleanor Stanford What's memory but a shucked oyster, salt rimed and shivering? At one and a half, he pointed at the ceiling fan, said rotate, as though his mouth was origin of some first turning. So many rules to be a Jew, my mo...

  • 塑料垃圾影响海洋生态系统

    14-02-26 Scientists are revealing how microbes living on floating pieces of plastic marine debris affect the ocean ecosystem, and the potential harm they pose to invertebrates(无脊椎动物) , humans and other animals. New research being presented here today...

  • 陆地上大量垃圾最终沉积于深海之中

    13-06-07 Surprisingly large amounts of discarded trash end up in the ocean. Plastic bags, aluminum cans, and fishing debris not only clutter our beaches, but accumulate in open-ocean areas such as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Now, a paper by researchers...

  • 韩国停止搜寻朝鲜火箭残骸

    12-04-17 South Korea is to end its search for debris from North Korea's failed rocket launch without finding any fragments, its defence ministry said. 韩国国防部称,韩国将停止寻找朝鲜的火箭残...

  • space debris 太空垃圾

    12-01-30 Six astronauts were forced to take refuge aboard the International Space Station's lifeboat crafts on Tuesday, bracing for the threat of a collision with floating space debris , the Russian space agency said. 俄罗斯宇航局称,6名宇航员周二被迫逃离国...
