• 美国枪支暴力成5至18岁儿童第二大死因

    22-10-14 美国死于枪下的学龄儿童人数急剧增加,凶杀案发生率约为发达国家的6至9倍。枪支暴力成5至18岁儿童第二大死因。这一趋势使临床医学、公共卫生和政策面临的挑战越来越严峻。 Firearm-related deaths in school-age children are dramatically increasing in the United S...

  • 2021年全美死亡人数创新高

    22-04-18 美国疾病控制和预防中心数据显示,2021年全美死亡人数创新高,达到346.5万人,比2020年死亡人数多约8万。据美联社13日报道,美国疾控中心相关数据统计负责官员罗伯特安德森称,新冠病毒肆虐是美国2021年死亡人数创新高的主要原因。随着美国人口的增长,美国死亡总人数...

  • 枪击已成为美国人创伤致死的首要原因

    22-02-28 在过去很长一段时间,车祸是美国人过早死亡的第一大原因,如今情况发生变化这一不光彩的名声被枪击占据。美国一项最新研究显示,2017年起,该国枪击导致的潜在寿命损失年数已超过车祸造成的相关损失数据。枪击已成为美国人创伤致死的首要原因。 Firearm-related deaths...

  • 印度自拍死亡人数最多

    17-07-15 India has had the highest number of selfie-related deaths according to new research. 新调查显示,印度的自拍死亡人数是最多的。 A study found that between March 2014 and September 2016, 60 percent of all selfie deaths, where a person dies while trying...

  • 全球孕产妇死亡率下降

    14-05-07 Maternal deaths have fallen worldwide, dropping by 45% since 1990, according to new figures. 最新数据显示,1990年以来全世界范围内的孕产妇死亡率下降45%。 The statistics, released by the World Health Organization, also provide new evidence on the caus...

  • 体重过轻的人与肥胖者死亡率同样高

    14-03-31 Being underweight puts people at highest risk of dying, just as obesity does, new research has found. The connection between being underweight and the higher risk of dying is true for both adults and fetuses(胎儿) . This is so even when factors su...

  • 脑干异常易引发婴儿猝死症

    13-11-12 Investigators at Boston Children's Hospital report that infants dying suddenly and unexpectedly, in both safe and unsafe sleep environments, have underlying brainstem(脑干) abnormalities and are not all normal prior to death(死亡前) . The resear...

  • 埃塞俄比亚儿童的死亡率下降

    13-09-16 Ethiopia has more than halved its mortality rates for children under the age of five years during the last two decades, new UN statistics show. 联合国一项新的统计数据显示,过去20年间,埃塞俄比亚低于五岁的儿童的死亡率下降了一半多。 The report says Et...

  • 全球儿童死亡率显著下降

    12-09-13 The number of children dying before the age of five has fallen significantly over the past 20 years, the UN children's agency Unicef has said. 联合国儿童基金会称,过去20年间低于五岁的儿童的死亡率显著下降。 Some 6.9 million children died before the a...
