• dash ahead regardless of one's safety 奋不顾身

    22-05-06 奋不顾身,汉语成语,指振作起来奋勇前进,不顾及生命。可以翻译为dash ahead regardless of ones safety等。 例句: 消防员奋不顾身地返回那座房子。 The firefighters went back into the house with scant regard for their own safety....

  • dash away 飞快的离开,快走;

    22-04-26 dash away 飞快的离开,快走; Im already late for the meeting, I must dash away now. 开会已经迟到了,我得赶紧走了。 haul ass 这个词组是美国俚语,用作动词,意思是动身,立即行动。 Wed better haul ass, its a long way to go. 我们最好赶快动身,还有好长的...

  • dine and dash 吃霸王餐

    22-03-24 吃霸王餐,本意是指去餐厅点单吃饭却不付钱的一种行为,可以翻译为dine and dash,表示order and consume food from a restaurant or similar establishment with the intent not to pay。 在网络流行语中,吃霸王餐也有免单(free of charge)的意思,有些商家会推出...

  • 小面值英镑硬币 未来是去是留?

    21-04-07 英国财政部正在征求各界人士对现金未来的看法,此举可能是为取消1便士(100便士相当于1英镑,1便士约为人民币8分)及2便士的小面值硬币铺平道路。该部门邀请了相关人士就目前流通的各类小面值硬币给予置评,因为随着消费者转向非现金支付,如非接触式付款和数字消费,...

  • 现金消亡的时代是否会到来

    21-01-03 Cash is king, or so they say. In one form or another, human beings have been carrying around money for hundreds of years. Metal was first coined into cash between 700 and 600 BC by the Lydians, and banknotes have been in circulation since their firs...

  • 各种标点符号的说法 3

    16-07-21 degree 度 minute 分 second 秒 ℃ Celsius degree 摄氏度 ℉ Fahrenheit degree 华氏度 @ at sign ‖ parallel 双线号 ~ swung dash 代字号 section sign; division 分节号 arrow 箭号;参见号...
