• 《海底总动员-1》第8章

    23-01-18 The dentists office was closed for the night. The tank was dark, and Nemo slept soundly in the tiki hut. Jacques approached Nemo quietly and said, Psst. Nemo. Nemo didnt stir, so Jacques threw a small pebble at him. Still no response from Nemo. Jacq...

  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境-1》第1章

    22-12-22 Ten years later A horse-drawn carriage careened down the road at a full gallop. Outside the carriage windows, the outskirts of London flashed by. Inside the dark, cramped cab, Alice Kingsleigh fidgeted with her dress. She wished she could be out in...

  • 口语中常见的连读现象

    22-12-02 许多英语母语人士在交流时,连读现象很普遍。下面,我们来介绍一些最常见的英语连读现象,以及如何通过了解这些现象,来帮你提高说英语时的流利度,让你的英语听起来更自然。 先来看辅音加辅音的一个常见连读现象。如果某个单词以辅音开头,且这个辅音与上一个词结尾的...

  • 由 no-, some-, any - 开头的复合词

    22-10-24 这个小测验要考考你对复合词的掌握,尤其是复合词在否定句和疑问句中的使用方法。 1. Has _________ seen my rucksack? I think I left it in the canteen. a) anybody b) anywhere c) any people d) anything 2. Im not entirely sure, but I believe that Blackpool...

  • 22-08-04 1. Take a guess 单说Take a guess,英文里就是让别人来猜猜看。你也可以把它用在你的回答中,表示只是一种猜测,别太当真就好。 例:If I had to take a guess, Id say shes 30. 如果一定让我猜的话,我觉得她得有30岁了。 2. At a guess 人家一开口,你听到了at a gu...

  • 害怕

    22-06-28 1. Im afraid I cant come to your wedding. 我恐怕参加不了你的婚礼了。 2. He is really afraid of the dark. 他真的挺怕黑的。 3. I have a great fear of sharks. 我很怕鲨鱼。 4. Im worried it might rain today. 我怕明天会下雨。 5. I fear I wont finish my a...

  • be in the dark 蒙在鼓里,浑然不知

    22-02-08 be in the dark形容蒙在鼓里,浑然不知,keep sb in the dark形容将事隐瞒不使人知道。 We were kept completely in the dark about his plan to sell the company. 对他计划将公司出售一事,我们一直蒙在鼓里。 来看隐瞒的英语表达: ①conceal Is there something yo...

  • dark horse 黑马

    21-11-19 黑马,原是指在赛马场上本来不被看好的马匹,却能在比赛中让绝大多数人跌破眼镜,成为出乎意料的获胜者。后由赛马场上的俚语发展成体坛上的惯用语,现在用来比喻实力难测的竞争者(someone who has a surprising ability or skill)或出人意料的优胜者(surprise winne...