• be beyond cure/recovery 病入膏肓

    21-12-20 病入膏肓,汉语成语,字面意思是the disease has spread to the vital organs,指病到无法医治的地步,也比喻事情到了无可挽回的地步。可以翻译为be beyond cure/recovery,be incurably ill,be at deaths door from illness等。 例句: 这个病人已病入膏肓,没有多少...

  • bring a patient back to life 妙手回春

    21-02-22 妙手回春,汉语成语,回春字面意思是使春天重返(return of spring),比喻医生医术高超,能把垂危的病人治愈。可以翻译为bring a patient back to life,effect a miraculous cure and bring the dying back to life。 例句: 他盲目相信医生有妙手回春的能力。 He ha...

  • The Adventures of Prince Camaralzaman 6

    14-05-22 Now you shall choose. Shall I cure the princess in her own presence, or shall I do it from here without seeing her? The eunuch(阉人) , who had expressed many contemptuous(轻蔑的) doubts as they came along of the newcomer's powers, was much surpr...

  • 艾滋病治愈良药需要更多投资

    11-06-01 More investment is needed to find a cure for HIV, the new head of the International Aids Society has said. 国际艾滋病协会新会长称,想要找到艾滋病的至于良方需要更多的投资。 HIV finds ways to elude the body's immune system Bertrand Audoin admits this...

  • 'Gene cure' for colour blindness “基因疗法”治色盲

    09-09-17 Scientists say they are a step closer to curing colour blindness using gene therapy. 科学家称,他们利用基因疗法治疗色盲的方法更进了一步。 A person with normal colour vision will be able to see the eye in this image A US team were able to restore ful...
