• Oreo 奥利奥系统

    22-10-12 前些日子,全美的人都抬头看天,盯着到来的日食,而谷歌却推出新的操作系统,让我们又低头看手机。科技巨头Google近期推出了其安卓8.0操作系统,命名为Oreo巧克力外层、奶油夹心,蘸蘸牛奶更美味的饼干。 安卓系统在2009年曾按字母顺序以甜点命名它的系统新版本,依次...

  • World's largest cupcake unveiled in Detroit 底特律巨型杯蛋糕

    09-08-22 Giant cupcake: Baked over the course of 12 hours, the gigantic cup cake was made from 200 pounds of flour, 200 pounds of sugar, 200 pounds of butter and 800 eggs. A 4ft cupcake weighing a hefty 1,224lbs has been officially recognised as the world's...
