• 18只熊猫幼仔举行生日会

    19-07-26 Eighteen giant panda cubs born in 2018 had a birthday party Thursday in Shenshuping base in Wolong National Nature Reserve, southwest Chinas Sichuan Province. 本周四,四川卧龙国家自然保护区神树坪基地,18只2018年出生的大熊猫幼仔举行了一个生日会。 All...

  • 中国对西伯利亚虎实行“计划生育”

    17-05-08 Chinese researchers are using artificial breeding to control the population of captive-bred Siberian Tigers and improve their genetic quality. 中国的科研人员正在使用人工授精法控制圈养繁殖的西伯利亚虎的数量并提高它们的遗传品质。 There are about 1,000...

  • 一对熊猫幼仔七夕出生

    16-08-10 Panda twins were born in the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province on Tuesday. 本周二,一对熊猫幼仔在成都大熊猫繁育研究基地出生。 The mother, Chenggong, gave birth to a male and a female cub around 1:34 a...
