• oceans of people 人山人海

    22-09-29 人山人海,汉语成语,指人群如山似海,形容人聚集得非常多。可以翻译为oceans of people,a sea of people或huge crowds of people等。 例句: 大厅里人山人海,简直无法走动。 The hall is so crowded that there is scarcely sufficient room for one to move. 广场...

  • Lumley mobbed by crowds in Nepal Lumley尼泊尔收到热烈欢迎

    09-07-27 Actress Joanna Lumley has been mobbed by hundreds of well-wishers and Gurkha veterans after arriving in Nepal for a week-long visit. 女演员Joanna Lumley到达尼泊尔之后,被数百祝福者以及廓尔喀族退伍军人簇拥,她将开展为期一周的访问。 On arrival in Kath...
