• 养鳄日常工作让他成网红

    18-12-21 Frightening, appalling, mysterious - these are just some of the words that might come to mind when you think of crocodiles. But for one young man in China, theyre part of his everyday job. 恐惧、惊吓、神秘当你想到鳄鱼的时候,脑海中可能会出现这几个词...

  • 鳄鱼也会爬树

    14-02-13 When most people envision crocodiles and alligators, they think of them waddling(摇摆蹒跚) on the ground or wading in water -- not climbing trees. However, a University of Tennessee, Knoxville, study has found that the reptiles can climb trees as...

  • 鳄鱼偶尔会吃水果

    13-08-22 It turns out that alligators(短吻鳄) do not live on meat alone. Neither do Nile crocodiles. A new study led by the Wildlife Conservation Society says that the American alligator and a dozen other crocodile species enjoy an occasional taste of frui...

  • 泰国悬赏捉拿饲养园逃跑鳄鱼

    11-10-22 泰国几十年一遇的洪水使得不少地区都受到重创,在此次洪水中,约有100条鳄鱼逃出大城饲养园区。为此,泰国公共卫生部已发布悬赏令,活捉一条鳄鱼可获得1000泰铢(约合33美元)的奖励。 The ancient Thai city of Ayutthaya, which has seen its temple engulfed(淹没...
