• 澳洲将禁止狩猎鳄鱼

    14-03-27 Australia has rejected a controversial plan to allow crocodile safari hunting in the Northern Territory. 澳大利亚政府驳回了一份允许在北领地地区狩猎鳄鱼的具有争议的计划。 The Australian government said trophy hunts would not be appropriate. There hav...

  • crocodile arms 鳄鱼的短胳膊

    14-01-16 When going out with peers to a bar or restaurant and nobody offers to pay the bill, hence they and yourself have the short arms of a crocodile . 你和同伴们去酒吧或饭馆,却没有一个人主动买单,这就是你们这帮人都在装鳄鱼的短胳膊。 Example: It's kind of...

  • 五百万年前地球上存在14种鳄鱼

    13-05-22 Today, the most diverse species of crocodile are found in northern South America and Southeast Asia: As many as six species of alligator(短吻鳄) and four true crocodiles exist, although no more than two or three ever live alongside one another at...

  • 古鳄鱼与泰坦巨蟒可能是近亲

    11-09-15 Did an ancient crocodile relative give the world's largest snake a run for its money? In a new study appearing Sept. 15 in the journal Palaeontology, University of Florida researchers describe a new 20-foot extinct species discovered in the same Col...
