10-03-12 hit-and-run 肇事逃逸 An automobile accident in which the driver fails to stop and identify himself or herself. The term hit-and-run may also be applied to such a driver. 指一起汽车事故中,肇事司机不停车,且不亮明自己身份。该词也可以指肇事逃逸司机。...
09-12-25 Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has vowed to defeat organised crime in the country by 2013. 意大利总理贝卢斯科尼立誓在2013年之前挫败国内有组织的犯罪团伙黑手党。 Mr Berlusconi praised his government in its fight against the mafia The mafia黑...
09-12-22 Guinea's military leader should be charged with crimes against humanity over the killing of opposition protesters, a leaked UN report says. 一份泄露的联合国报告称,几内亚军政府领导杀害反对派抗议者的行为应当以违反人道主义罪被起诉。 Days after the mas...
09-12-09 The head of the UN drugs agency (UNODC) has warned that widespread drug trafficking is transforming Africa into a major crime hub. 联合国毒品和犯罪办公室领导警告,普遍存在的毒品走私使非洲成为一个主要的犯罪中心。 About 50 to 60 tonnes of cocaine are...
09-11-25 Two alleged Congolese militia leaders have denied war crimes at the start of their trial at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. 两名被指称的刚果国民军首领在海牙国际刑事法庭审判开始的时候就否认了战争罪行。 Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui (L) and Ger...
09-11-18 Police in Germany have arrested two Rwandan militia leaders on suspicion of crimes committed in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. 德国警方逮捕了两名卢旺达国民军领导, 因其在刚果民主共和国东部曾有犯罪嫌疑。 Mr Murwanashyaka has lived in G...
09-11-12 The last year has seen a major increase in the illegal ivory trade, with more involvement from organised crime. 去年象牙非法交易量显著增长,多数是有组织的犯罪。 The number of seizures has gone up, and so has their average size Figures compiled(编译...
09-10-28 Prosecutors at the genocide and war crimes trial of ex-Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic have branded him the leader of an ethnic cleansing campaign. 对前波斯尼亚塞族领导Radovan Karadzic进行种族屠杀和战争罪审讯的公诉人认定他为种族灭绝运动的领袖人...
09-09-07 Shildon in County Durham has been labelled an internet crime hotspot with a higher percentage of fraudulent purchases than anywhere else in the UK. 英国Durham郡的Shildon被冠以互联网犯罪热点地区,该地区的欺诈购买案件比例比世界上任何一个其它地区都要高...
09-09-05 A former US soldier convicted of rape and murder while serving in Iraq will spend life in prison, a judge in the US state of Kentucky has confirmed. 美国肯塔基州一位法官证实道,一名前美国驻伊美军士兵因强奸和谋杀将被终身监禁。 Steven Green was consid...