• creepshot 偷拍

    22-09-23 上周,社交网站Tumblr宣布从九月开始,其社交媒体平台上禁止所有creepshot。这条原则是新推出的,但使用的词汇并不是。 Creepshot通常指用智能手机在公共场合拍下的女性照片,这些照片未经双方同意拍摄,带有性别特征,并用于在互联网上分享。单词creep(悄悄地进行、...

  • you're a pill 讨厌鬼;烦人精

    22-09-21 英文中,很多单词除了我们熟知的意思外,还有一些其他有趣用法,比如今天要来说的这个单词:pill。 大家都知道pill是药片的意思,那如果老外说Youre a pill是什么意思?可不能直接翻译为你是个药片。 在口语中,pill还可以用来形容一个人非常讨厌,惹人烦,也就是讨厌...

  • workweek creep 公私不分

    20-12-27 Workweek creep means: 1) Constant connectivity via your smartphone and computer blurs the boundaries between your work life and your personal life. 2) Constant connectivity at work via e-mail chat, results in so many interruptions that you cannot ge...

  • 地层中细微的黏土在可抑制地震的发生

    10-06-25 California's San Andreas fault is notorious(声名狼藉的) for repeatedly generating major earthquakes and for being on the brink of producing the next big one in a heavily populated area. But the famously violent fault also has quieter sections, whe...
