• 怎样才能更有创造力?

    23-01-29 创造力是一种至关重要的能力,但如何才能更好地激发创造力?有一些人认为,感到无聊其实有助于萌生创意,而另一些人则建议我们勇于尝试更多的新事物,增加阅历,从而提升创造力。 Do you get your best ideas when you are bored, or when you are out doing new thing...

  • 百无聊赖能够提高创造力

    21-03-23 Were you constantly bored as a child? Maybe that helped you to develop your innate ability to be creative. Boredom can be a good thing for children, according to Dr Teresa Belton, researcher at the University of East Anglias School of Education and...

  • 调查:头脑风暴不利于出创意

    20-01-23 Perhaps more than any other category of professionals, creative types are expected to thrive in brainstorms. In the publics imagination, their offices are filled with fidget toys and Post-it notes in an array of colors, all meant to absorb some of t...

  • 南京创意设计周开幕

    19-05-29 The Nanjing Creative Design Week has kicked off. 南京创意设计周已开启。 With the theme creativity empowers Nanjing, a series of urban renewal projects were launched to add more cultural and creative elements to the city. A fashion design center was...

  • Joyful 欢喜类情绪

    16-07-07 初级词汇 excited(兴奋的), sensuous(令人愉悦的), energetic(精力充沛的, cheerful(欢快的), creative(有创造力的), hopeful(有希望的) 高级词汇 daring(勇敢的), fascinating(迷人的), stimulating(刺激的), amused(逗乐的), playful(嬉戏的),...

  • 身体特征词汇

    16-06-02 Adorable 可爱的 Clever 聪明的 Intelligent 智慧的,理解力强的 Generous 慷慨的 Mysterious 神秘的,难懂的 Creative 富有创造力的 Flexible 灵活的,能变通的 Sensitive 敏感的 Moody 情绪化的 Snobbish 势利的;自命不凡的 Sensible 理智的 Emotional 感性的 Sophi...

  • 女性的创造性思维难以得到认可

    15-10-05 Men are believed to be more creative than women, even if they show equal skill. 就算表现出的能力不相上下,人们还是觉得男性的创造力比女性强。 This is according to a series of studies that found most people associate creativity with 'masculine qualiti...

  • 创造性与文化相关

    15-01-29 With the creative class on the rise, many businesses are trying to capitalize on imagination and innovation. But when it comes to creative juices, some societies have a faster flow than others. That's because, as new research from Concordia Universi...

  • 创造性的人更可能作弊

    11-11-29 Creative people are more likely to cheat than less creative people, possibly because this talent increases their ability to rationalize their actions, according to research published by the American Psychological Association. Greater creativity help...

  • Creative 创造性

    10-08-26 Creative Applying for my first job, I realized I had to be creative in listing my few qualifications(资格证书,职位要求) . Asked about additional schooling and training, I answered truthfully that I had spent three years in computer programming cl...
