• optimistic 乐观的愤世嫉俗者

    22-10-10 什么?愤世嫉俗的人还分乐观和悲观?如果你对这个世界有种种不满和无奈,怀疑人性但又对人性抱有希望,那么你就是乐观的愤世嫉俗者。 Cynically optimistic person is somebody who acknowledges the fact that humanity is crap but also believes in its capacity to...

  • 主播们口中的“热词金句”

    21-05-25 喷饭 something makes you spit out your riceLaughable or Choke with laughter 满嘴跑火车 your mouth is a runaway train Youre full of crap. 扎轮胎 slashing tirestake revenge. 怨妇心态 a female who is full of complaintsgreen-eyed monster 遮羞布 loin clo...
