• crack a smile 微笑或露齿一笑

    22-06-22 Crack a smile指的是微笑或露齿一笑: 例句: They were a tough class to teach, I told my best jokes and no one even cracked a smile. 他们真是很难教的一个班级。我讲了我最棒的笑话,居然没有一个人笑。 Crack a smile还可以用来表示在感觉不想微笑的时候挤出一...

  • crack on 继续做下去

    22-04-28 crack on 继续做下去 例句: Here, Laura. Take my place. 劳拉,到这来,坐我的位置。 Thats Ok. You crack on. 没关系。你们继续。 Notes: crack on (with something)表示努力做某事,继续下去,例句如下: If I crack on with my homework I could finish it tonigh...

  • crack up 哈哈大笑; 使…哈哈大笑。

    22-02-17 crack有破裂、裂开的意思。人的笑就像是严肃的表情裂开了,所以crack up 也有哈哈大笑的意思。 If you crack up or if someone or something cracks you up, you laugh a lot She told stories that cracked me up and I swore to write them down so you could enjoy...

  • to crack on 开始行动

    21-08-25 英语短语 to crack on 意思是赶快继续吧。这个短语也被用来鼓励一个人赶快行动或开始行动。 例句 We need to crack on and get todays work finished. A: Can I start moving the boxes into the living room? B: Yes, crack on. 请注意 Crack on 这个短语经常跟介词 w...

  • a tough(or hard) nut to crack 一个难以对付或难理解的人

    21-08-23 当我们碰到难题时可以说 a tough(or hard) nut to crack 特别难打开的坚果。这个表达也能用来形容一个难以对付或难理解的人。 例句 My new boss is a tough nut to crack. I never know if hes pleased with my work. How can we increase sales during a recession? T...

  • at the crack of dawn 破晓时分,一大早

    21-06-21 表达 at the crack of dawn 的意思是 一天开始的时候,也被用来表示 天一亮、一大早就发生了某件事情。名词 dawn 指 日出的时候,黎明。 例句 Im so tired today. I had to get up at the crack of dawn to avoid too many people on the train. 我今天累坏了。为了避...

  • 奇虎360破解勒索病毒

    17-05-15 The unprecedented spread of ransomware that has swept across more than 100 countries since Friday has been cracked by a Chinese tech company - at least in part. 自上周五开始在全球100多个国家大肆传播的勒索软件被一家中国科技公司破解至少是部分破解。 Qi...
